Can you guess what brand this bag is?
This is my one and only Chanel bag I own, a runway bag. To me, I can only said it is a rare find. It is my colour and my style, I prefer a shoulder bag to sling bag.
A little history of my Chanel. You already know, it is a runway bag, it was make specially for the model to use during one of the fashion show in Singapore. For obvious reason, they cannot supply so many expensive Chanel bags to use in a show right? Since there are limited stock in Singapore and worst of all, they can't sell in the boutique. Also, it is really boring to see model on runway with the fashion clothing/shoes without the basic accessories, like a decent Chanel bag right? Thus, the birth of my runway bag.
A little history of my Chanel. You already know, it is a runway bag, it was make specially for the model to use during one of the fashion show in Singapore. For obvious reason, they cannot supply so many expensive Chanel bags to use in a show right? Since there are limited stock in Singapore and worst of all, they can't sell in the boutique. Also, it is really boring to see model on runway with the fashion clothing/shoes without the basic accessories, like a decent Chanel bag right? Thus, the birth of my runway bag.
PS: Never trust a woman when she say "This is my one & only bag...blah, blah, blah". The reason why I write about my Chanel bag is because ---> I WANT TO BUY A CHANEL REISSUE 2.55
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