Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Still hideous...

My acne problem is still haunting me. But one thing for sure, the pores on my forehead is more refine as well as the overall face area. Red spot and acne cysts still appear around the cheeks area and chin. I'm thinking it's the work of the pimple cream as there are still impurity under the skin layer...I'm not sure but this is how I feel now.

Despite it looks ugly and hideous but it would not leave any scar upon recovery.

I guessed I have to continue with the pimple cream treatment. Anyway, according to the pharmist, some might have to continue to apply for 2 to 3 tube.

Seoul Far Seoul Good

Yesterday was the premieres of 'Seoul Far Seoul Good', the new Variety Show about Korea and its traditional culture, scenic sights or colourful pop culture.

During one of the trailer, I overheard Michelle Chong, the big eye girl said "the flour for making dumpling was stolen by an Evil Character and Dae Jang Eum was very creative, she used Cabbage leaf in replace of the stolen flour..."

Yes, indeed she was creative but it was not a evil character who has stolen the flour. It was a court seamtresses trainee whom has stolen the flour to make dumpling for her old mother who will be leaving the Palace. She wanted to cook her favourite food - Dumpling before she leaves.

The Evil Character for this show are all the members from Cui's Family especially Jinying, Official Oh and not forgetting the ugly Ling Lu. I just hate to see all sorts of face expression each time she speaks badly about Jang Eum, Lian Sheng and Lady Han.