Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Airline Security (Part 2)

At the airport upon checking in, we are given a piece of paper stating what can or cannot bring.

I found out that passengers may carry with them through security checkpoints travel-size toiletries (3 ounces or less) that fit comfortably in ONE, QUARt-SIZE clear plastic zip-top bag.

After clearing security, passengers can bring beverages and other items purchased in the secure boarding area on-board aircraft.

We bought some chips, sweet and a can of soya drink but I asked DS to finish before going to the gate.

True enough, the security checked all carry-on bag and all drinks/beverages to be discard before gate boarding.

Lucky for us but not so lucky for DH as he was told to discard the coffee he brought for me. Thank you anyway!

I'm back!

No, I'm not MIA just went for an overseas trip again...

Went to Bangkok in Sept holiday and visit Japan in Oct, very busy and hectic in the past few weeks but now everything is back to normal...sort of.

Blogger is having some problem in the past few days so I have some difficulties in uploading photos or signing in??? Why like that?

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Airline Security

Call my airline to inquiry about the new airport security rule and regulations and was told that no food and drink are allowed.

So I need to pre-inform DS that this time, we can't bring any food/drink to the airplane in order to prevent him from throwing any tantrum before flight...

But he is such a darling and understand the situation. He is a good boy actually and my great travelling companion.